Sunday, January 3, 2010



The time has arrived. I'm about to become a grandma!

Here's my darling girl at the hospital... look at that low belly!

ko in hospital 2

I was hoping to be there in time, but our little guy decided to come a week early.

My son-in-law sent these from his phone. Thanks, Nic!

ko in hospital

He may have a January 3rd birthday, or he could have a January 4th birthday. Either way, rest assured there will be a post sometime tomorrow of a beautiful baby boy.

And soon thereafter (Wednesday) I'll have that precious pun'kin in my arms!


  1. Oh, PAM!!!

    That girl looks good, for being in labor....

    What a thrill, what a thrill.

    You all are held tight in my prayers and I can't wait to see pictures of that little one.
    And now I'm all teary.

    Love, love to you, little grandma!

  2. Hi, Pam, and welcome to the Big Club of Crazy Grandma's. Congratulations! Imagine, my grandfather (Akseli Skutnabb) whom I was just reading about in your March blog would now then have been a greatgreatgreatgrandfather...
    Tove (Skutnabb-Kangas)
