Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh, look out!

Grandma has gotten her hands on a Flip Video camera!

(You might want to pause the blog music on the right.)

Since they take so long to load... I only posted 2.

And... I just realized I haven't posted a still shot of him since he was 6 months! Here he is at almost 14 months. My precious little love bug.

I miss blogging, yet I haven't felt very bloggy the last several months. When I find a plethora of words, I'll be back.


  1. The videos were great and the still shot precious!! As for a plethora of words...not necessary...just to see you on your blog is a treat in itself!!!

  2. Greetings:

    Long time, no see. I've been quite busy as well. I just looked in on you on Fotki and no recent footprints. I (Oy! 3rd first person pronoun in 4 sentences.) think about you from time to time, the fun we had manipulating images, Joe and his big screen football watching on the holidays, etc.

    Cell phone videoing, eh? I (no.4) got a Samsung Galaxy S and along with everything else, use it as a dash cam. An 18-wheeler's retread blew off the right rear of his trailer and a chunk of it hit our Trailblazer. It's all recorded at relatively high def. No damage, just some black marks to rub off. Six decades have passed since I let out my first scream...not liking this side of the hill much at all. Linda plans on hanging it up this year: 42 years' teaching. There is a pretty good benefit if she works one more year; so it's not definate.

    Hope all is well with you, Joe and the clan, including your spoiled canines, :-).

    (This was typed with paragraph breaks. Wondering if the software designers graduated 4th grade grammar or if this will be a run-on, lol. The note says some HTML tags are employable, thus the br tag.)

