Thursday, March 13, 2008

Two Questions I'm Often Asked These Days

1) How's your dad?
Physically, he's slowing down quite a bit. He says he's not in pain or uncomfortable, but he doesn't sleep well at night which leaves him awfully tired during the day. He takes little naps often to compensate... but that probably doesn't help the nighttime problem. He really enjoys peace and quiet these days... the less chaos and background noise, the better. But, then again, there are times that direct conversation is more exhausting... just depends on his mood. He also has a condition called Pitting Edema - swelling and retention of fluids (his abdomen, lower legs and feet). It's a side effect of other ailments (which I found was a very long list). For him it's probably largely due to the damage the cancer has caused to his liver. He's still able to get around and do things, though. The other night when we had dinner together, he was intending to cook it himself! ... but I was glad to be able to take over and do something to help.
Emotionally - mentally - spiritually, he's great... still himself. Peaceful - not at all anxious. Funny - still cracking jokes. He's just like he's always been - the delightfully charming and witty Jack that everyone loves! :-)

2) How's your mom?
She amazes me. A tower of courage and strength. Of course, from time to time I see glimpses of weariness and discouragement; afterall, she's preparing her heart to say goodbye (for now) to the one she's loved for 45+ years, plus I'm sure it saddens her to see her virile husband weakening. But mostly, strengthened by her faith, she's peacefully just taking a day at a time. She's not working full weeks now so she can be with him.

They met yesterday with Hope Hospice and dad's nurse is going to start coming every Wednesday just to check on his status and vitals. He's not at the point yet where he would be more comfortable at their facility - he's fine at home, but I think both mom and dad are relieved for the home service they provide and that they'll be available and welcoming when the time comes that he'd be better off with 24/7 care.

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I'm a wife, mom, and grandma living in rural Vermont. “…giving thanks in all circumstances…” 1 Thess 5:16-18