Friday, March 28, 2008

Seems Like a Good Day

I like this picture of dad. Kristiina captured it on Christmas Day - he looks healthy and happy.

I went to mom and dad's yesterday and it seems like dad was having a good day. Much improved over last week. He seemed much more lucid and didn't appear so sleepy. He was up for chatting which he hadn't been in the mood to do lately, and he even appeared to have an appetite (I caught them at dinner time). He is not taking the sleep aid anymore which seems better for him. He doesn't sleep great during the night, but with the pain medication he's now taking for his back, he's at least comfortable and that helps him sleep better than he used to.

I also noticed that the edema in his legs isn't as bad. I could actually see his ankles! The edema in his abdomen is still very evident, though. He's so bloated. But that's even improving - the nurse said he's losing inches around his middle. Part of that could be his overall weightloss (he's getting awfully thin), but mostly it's the fluids... water pills seem to be working.

Last week he had a couple of instances where he fell (thankfully, didn't hurt himself). He thought he stumbled (likely because of the way the sleep aid made him feel), but the Hope Hospice nurse said Wednesday that he may actually have passed out for an instant because his blood pressure is so low (the bottom number in one arm was 55, and 58 in the other arm). She's going to start coming to the house twice a week instead of only once so she can keep an eye on that.

Another person from Hope Hospice came to see him on Wednesday, too. She's an "Emotional Therapist" or something like that. I forget exactly what mom and dad said her title is, but she came out to see how he's doing "with everything" (facing death). After talking with him she concluded he's anchored and in a very good place. She wishes all of her clients could have his disposition... she said he's the anchor point for where emotionally healthy people should be (or something to that effect). Of course, we know that's because of his faith.

So, other than the low blood pressure, I was encouraged after seeing him yesterday and thankful to God for answering our prayer to keep him comfortable.

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I'm a wife, mom, and grandma living in rural Vermont. “…giving thanks in all circumstances…” 1 Thess 5:16-18