Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday, Family Day

After church, we went out to breakfast. When we got back home Trey and Cory went in the pool. Zoe had so much fun running around, barking at them.

It didn't take long for her to get soaked - she tried to catch the splashes in her mouth. They were just petting her... not pulling her in!

She got especially vocal when they went under water. That pretty little thing from the Independence Day post, now looks like a drowned rat!

We had some cake to celebrate grandma's birthday, which was last Saturday.

...and Grandpa has a joyful smile.

We also watched dad's memorial service on dvd because grandma and grandpa were not well enough to make the trip down our way the day of it. They appreciated being able to see it. Mom later said that seeing it again made her feel a bit melancholy. I agreed - some parts of it warmed my heart, other parts made me choke up a bit. I guess that's to be expected.

We headed home at about 3:30 and hit some serious rain! The kind that makes you slow your speed to about 40 mph on the interstate! It was coming down in buckets... but we got home safely, having had a really wonderful weekend!

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I'm a wife, mom, and grandma living in rural Vermont. “…giving thanks in all circumstances…” 1 Thess 5:16-18