Friday, June 27, 2008

Backyard Fun

I was taking pics and video of the dogs last night... they were having such fun playing out in the yard (If you read the puppies' birthday blog about our missing screens and sand-pit yard, now you can see what I was talking about. What is it PW says? Just keepin it real?! Yeah!)... Anyway, all of a sudden I heard a kerplunk in the pool. Sara decided she was thirsty. This is now how she gets a drink of water. She will not lean down at the pool's edge like her mother and brother (they're allowed to drink from the pool when chemicals haven't been recently added)...
no, she must get in shoulder-deep on the second stair, as opposed to ankle-deep on the first stair. (Oh, and speaking of keeping it real... our 25-year old pool needs to be resurfaced. Wouldn't want you to think those spots are dirt, after all!! Our whole house needs re-something!)

But back to Sara... this little dog is now constantly damp. She was in twice this morning before I even left for work. She's become passionate about this (and quite proud of herself). Watch how she begins to paw toward the deep end; she was contemplating taking a little swim. She usually does, however, this time Dex came up and distracted her.

She's always been our bravest, most adventureous little pip-squeek of a pup. This latest trick has dubbed her Supah-Sara (say it with Broadway flare... use jazz hands, if you want to)!

(I was unable to post the video here... but finally got it to work above.)

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I'm a wife, mom, and grandma living in rural Vermont. “…giving thanks in all circumstances…” 1 Thess 5:16-18